Most recently I introduced a local band, The Five Percent, to my boyfriend. Before I introduced them to him I would listen to them here and there, but since I sent him their cds, I've been listening to them non-stop. I love music that I can really relate to, and they make every situation into a seemingly beautiful song. Their music style isn't anything to thrash to or "rock out" to, but they still make great music. The first time I heard of them was when a friend of mine wanted me to listen to a band that her cousin was the drummer for. She turned on the cd in the car one night, and from that moment on, I loved them. About a month after I heard their cd for the first time, we went to see them at a small show at one of our local college's arts building. I couldn't stop singing their songs, and I couldn't believe how much their music really spoke to my soul. The lead singer's voice was "like a combination of Fergie and Jesus." Not really Fergie, but Jesus and someone who is a really talented singer. I just remember how diverse the crowd was, high school kids, college kids, business men and women, and older people. I wondered how many of these people were related to the members of the band, and then I found out that at most 5 of them were. When I saw how many people truly loved their music, I was turned on to them right away.
The band is composed of 4 young gentlemen. Matt (lead vocals and guitar), Neil (vocals and guitar), Brian (bass), and T. (drums). Their music isn't bubblegum pop or anything too dark and mysterious. They are classified as Adult Alternative/Pop Rock and there is never any despair or wallowing in their musical ways. When you listen to a cd or even a song by The Five Percent, you realize how sincere they really are when it comes to music and lyrics. I think that their music is very airy and has a tinge of rock here and there. They get their inspiration from the riches of the world but don't necessarily need the riches to keep writing and giving their music with equal opportunity. The band has been across the world many times, performing concerts and selling thousands and thousands of cds. There isn't much difference between TFP and a nationally acclaimed band, the only difference is a couple dollars really. TFP is very modest about their music and they all say how much they love to write and provide a sense of comfort and understanding to their fans.
Unfortunately I've only been lucky enough to see them once, but they make appearances across the U.S. and locally too. It's great, now that I'm 21, I could go and see them play in bars so it makes it much easier than it used to be. They have such a great sound and great lyrics, the only thing is that they are on an independant label so you'll never hear them on the radio. If they were to get signed by a record label I think they'd get a lot of radio time, they'd be really popular locally but I'm sure they'd hit it big across the U.S. TFP is also featured in the "Concert for A Cause" show annually held here in Wilkes Barre, and they make many appearances at local bars and sometimes colleges. You can now purchase their music on ITunes which is pretty cool and I know that the local record stores have their cds too. If you have any time I really think you should check them out. Their website is; The Five Percent.
I'm glad to get to share this information about such a great band with everyone and I'd really suggest you check them out. You'll understand why I love them so much if you do.
On a completely different note, I was talking to a friend of mine earlier and they gave me the link to a youtube video that was pretty hilarious in my estimation. It was some idiot playing super mario and he was completely frustrated, but he said such unnecessary things that it was pretty funny. I have so much to do but the fact that I could sit here and tool around on the internet is always good. I haven't posted in so long, it felt good to get this going again. Hopefully I'll be making another post soon and you can all enjoy. :] Make the most of today :]
2009 NFL Mock Draft
15 years ago