The phone rings and your first inclination is to answer right away, but it's best to just let it ring through to voicemail. The feeling is there, burning in your heart, your stomach rolls, the feelings are swirling like the start of a tornado. All the things you know that have gotten you to this point are lost, your mind is gone completely blank and all you worry about is him. He sends these chilling feelings down your whole body and you know you're in love. I've never questioned the way I felt about him, I've never once since the moment I met him thought about someone else, and somehow we still get into these arguments. The feelings just aren't there sometimes, not saying I stop loving him, but at times I feel like we are two different people. Maybe I should somewhat explain this before I continue.
I met John and from that moment I was in complete bliss. I finally found a guy who was truly interested in me and it felt really good. The first night we talked, we talked for 2 hours and from that moment I knew he was going to be someone special. We didn't really miss a beat in our conversation, it was like we'd known each other forever, that's what I liked about him. Sports, music, everything, we had everything in common. Unfortunately I fell asleep on him that night, I wake up in the middle of the night to put my computer away and find that he left me his phone number, he was pretty confident. I woke up somewhat early for a summer day and I texted him, not expecting a response, he came online and asked if I texted him. I was worried that he thought I was rushing so I tried to back off. He imed me every time he was online and the more we talked, the more I liked him. We started talking on the phone and that's when I fell in love. Everything about him was so perfect for me, he was and is my perfect guy.
The feelings I had then are eight hundred times stronger now, and they grow every day. He's the one I'm settling with, he's the one who made me realize it was okay to finally be me, and he was the one who showed me true love. Everyone I've been with before was into themselves and how they felt, not him. If I could sit here and try to list everything I love about him, I'd need infinite space to write. I know we fight more often than not but it's not because we don't love each other. The time and distance is just terrible at this point in the relationship. When I need to talk to someone, I find him. It's not that I don't want to be in the relationship but sometimes I feel like we're just not in the same place in time. I know how much he loves me, he loves me more than anything and I the same way with him. He's my priority and he's everything to me. I'm so comfortable with him and I'm just afraid he's too busy proving himself to other people than he is with being with me. I know that a lot of the things I say make me sound selfish, but I'm not selfish in the least.
I'd spill my guts for this boy. I'm in love with him, I want nothing but him. I'm marrying him, I'm being a mother to his children, I'm retiring with him, I'm going to be there when he needs me years and years down the road. He may think that sometimes I don't want to be with him, but in reality that's all I want. Distance is a bitch, but I know that it's the biggest problem we have. I'll never hurt him, I'll never leave him, and I hope he'll be the same with me. I'm 21 years old, ready to settle down. It's not a bad thing and I'm happy I finally found a guy who makes me feel this way about love. I've planned my wedding and when I step to that altar he's going to be the one standing infront of me. I think we both need to stop with the paranoia and we both need to realize that sometimes not talking is the best thing we could do for each other. Silence is golden.
You're my everything and that is the truth. Without you, I don't know where I'd be. You're amazing, gorgeous, and you're perfect for me. I can't wait to hold you and kiss you. I can't wait until we're both coming home from work and sitting on the couch just talking. I need you in my life. I want you in every aspect of my life. We're going to be an amazing couple and I promise you it starts now.
2009 NFL Mock Draft
15 years ago