Thursday, January 29, 2009


Ever since I was a youngin' I've been given options and choices. I walk into the mall or a store, and the shelves are laden with options. There are several things in life that don't allow you a choice or option and those are the most important things. Many oppurtunities come up along the way; but without a choice what is an oppurtunity? Unfortunately I've been out of work for three weeks and I don't really know if I'll still have a job after I recouperate from this bronchitis. I decided that while I was off and in bed for weeks I'd look for a new job, just in case the one I already have doesn't work out. I've applied at so many places, using customer service as my background, and only two have called me back. Let's outweigh the options.

The first option I have is the bank. Getting a job at the bank would mean some sort of job security and really good benefits. The job description I would have at the bank would be lavish as compared to the garbage that I have to do at my current job every day. All I would be expected to do is answer the phone, look up customer information on a computer, and enjoy time at a desk in a cubicle. The hours at the bank would be 9:30 to 6, how great is that? So the first thing, full time with benefits, this job looks pretty amazing.

My second option is Telerx. Telerx is a company where customers call and complain to the unsympathetic associates on the phone about their cookies and crackers being broken in the package. This job also offers benefits and is also full time. This job would consist of me sitting at a telephone all day listening to complaints and probably doing nothing but taking their information so the company could send them a new package or a free coupon for a new batch. The hours on this job? 11:30 A.M. to 8 P.M. That doesn't really appeal to me, I mean come on, I do have a life.

So here I am once again given options in my life with no idea what to choose. Well the bank would be the obvious choice but they may call me back next week and tell me that they found a better candidate for the one opening they have. If that happens my obvious choice will have to be Telerx, but I mean benefits and money make all the difference in the world.

Relationships on the other hand don't give you options or choices. Well, you're given choices but they aren't the good kind. The only choices you have in a relationship are where you're going to dinner or what movie looks like it's the best. All of my adult life, (compiled of the years 17-present) I've given myself options in my relationships. I'd be dating someone, who at the time I was "in love" with, and I'd still have the people on the side that were just there. Frequently enough I'd hang out with these people and get the good feelings I needed from them while the person I dated had staying power and was waiting for me to be ready. Right now I don't have options in my relationship, I have a choice. He's my choice and he's the only choice I'm going to be making in a long while. I've finally found someone that I'm going to settle down with and be with, sometimes I wish he had a choice. This guy has made me realize that I don't need options anymore and that I've really grown up. I'm happy about this because I finally know that there's someone who gets me. I've been going a long time with people thinking I'm just weird and obnoxious, but he really truly sees me for me. It gives me flutterbies.

So since I've been doing nothing but babbling, I hope this really makes you think about your opportunities, options, and choices. Life's what you make it, make it into something you want not something that is expected of you. Hopefully this job thing works out for the best and this relationship, too. Make the most of today. :]